26 October 2020 - When the COVID-19 pandemic happened, many businesses were affected, which led to a series of negative impact trickling down the chain. Hence, we were curious to understand the changes on M&A opportunity, the potential of online simulation tools and the importance of organisational culture and mental wellbeing in the new normal.

In our Webinar #7 M&A opportunity in COVID-19 pandemic times, Aleevar was proud to have Yuki Kambayashi (CEO) and Elvyna Cheong (CCO) from LikeArisingSun on board to share their experience and perspectives on the M&A trend during COVID-19, timeline and structure.
Kong Min Yao from Aleevar also spoke about COVID-19 impact on M&A, M&A objectives and Tech M&A outlook and industry applications.

For our 8th Webinar Series, we attempted to explore online simulation learning with Mr. Andrew Christopher as the guest speaker. He underlined the Gap in Academic and Corporate Business Learning and recommended a High-impact Digital Age Experiential Business Learning, known as “Capsim”.
In addition, Kushairi Lotfi of Aleevar shared on Business Excellence and Capacity Building Market Trends during Pandemic Period.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought realisation to many individuals on the importance of mental health due to their increased experience of stress, fear and worry; and it certainly did not exclude us from being affected. Moreover, in the recent years, we noticed a growing trend in private, public and social entities promoting awareness on mental health and wellbeing; and thus, we decided to hold our 9th Webinar Series on Maintaining Good Organisational Culture and Mental Wellbeing. We were delighted to have our two guest speakers–(i) Dr. Risky Harisa Haslan, an Assistant Professor in Applied Psychology at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus to present on Burnout at Work from An Organisational Psychology Perspective and (ii) Ms. Lily Lau, the Managing Director of Culture Dynamics DCI Malaysia Sdn Bhd. to share on How Good Organisational Culture Promotes Good Mental Health Which Leads to Increased Productivity.
Kong Min Yao from Aleevar also introduced mental health by touching on mental health in workplace and the associated business costs, organisational best practices and the importance of promotive and preventive measures.