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Business Matching
Matching company between seller and buyer, business broker or Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) advisory.
Key Insights
we can provide you with:
How can you get strategic investors to buy a stake in my business ?
How can you find a buyer (or seller) for my (or of their) business ?
How can you expand your business sales channels and distributors domestically and / or internationally ?
How can you source for reputable suppliers ?

Understanding supply chain management, sector trend and demand

Independent and confidential search for strategic investors, buyer (or seller), sales channels or distributors domestically and / or internationally
Case Study
"Our reference projects and experience in multiple sectors as a lead consultant and project information management office (PMIO)"
Lead Generation and Feedback Survey advisory for a high-end European Commercial Kitchen Ventilation System manufacturer.
The Retail and F&B is not only a fast-moving but expend large data volume sector.
The pervasive problem of unaffordable affordable housing is measured as Price to Income Ratio (PIR).
Could urban farming secure Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand’s future food system as early as 2025?
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